Contact for an interview:
Stephanie Weizenbach, Outreach Coordinator
Edmonton and Area Land Trust
The Edmonton and Area Land Trust (EALT) invites local businesses and corporations to participate in the Earth Ambassador Program to make a difference in their community.
What is the Earth Ambassador Program?
The Earth Ambassador Program fosters partnerships between the Edmonton and Area Land Trust and businesses/corporations to build support for local nature conservation, which benefits the community, residents, wildlife, and the environment.
How does a business become an Earth Ambassador?
Businesses can simply email and say “I want to be an Earth Ambassador” to get started. They can choose one of the following ways to participate in the program, or come up with their own creative way to get involved:
Donate a portion of proceeds from a select hour, day, or week to EALT
Donate proceeds from a specific product or service to EALT
Host an EALT fundraiser with staff (i.e. 50/50 draw, exercise class, games, etc.)
When does the Earth Ambassador Program run?
Earth Ambassadors can participate anywhere from March 1 to May 12, reporting their participation by May 15, 2019 for consideration for the Earth Ambassador Award. They may decide to coordinate their participation to coincide with Earth Hour, March 30, or Earth Day, April 22.
Why participate in the Earth Ambassador Program?
Conservation is a community effort. By participating as an Earth Ambassador, you are contributing to the conservation of local natural areas which thereby benefits the community, wildlife, and the environment. Businesses will receive acknowledgement from EALT in a number of different formats, engaging new clientele and creating purposeful staff engagement.
One exemplary Earth Ambassador will be chosen by EALT’s Board of Directors’ Earth Ambassador Committee to receive the unique Earth Ambassador Award. The award will be presented by the Mayor or a City Councillor on World Environment Day, June 5, 2019.
What makes the Earth Ambassador Award unique?
The unique Earth Ambassador Award is handcrafted with care each year by one of EALT’s talented volunteers, Jamie McQuarrie. Jamie designed and builds this gorgeous intarsia mosaic using several different types of wood, such as aspen, cherry, birch, and walnut, to create the colour variances. The award design matches the program’s logo, featuring the earth wrapped in a leaf. It is the only award of its kind, awarding environmental excellence to Edmonton and area businesses.

““Since its inception in 2016, the Earth Ambassador Program has grown rapidly and now has many participants. It has been truly amazing to see the community come together to conserve our local nature, for many generations to come. I am excited to welcome even more businesses to participate this year.””
Can individuals participate in the Earth Ambassador Program?
Individuals can participate by watching EALT’s Events page and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) and supporting special events hosted by our local businesses. You can also help by sharing this information with your place of employment to suggest participation, to make a difference for local nature.
Edmonton and Area Land Trust (EALT)
EALT works to protect natural areas to benefit wildlife and people, and to conserve biodiversity and all nature’s values, for everyone, forever. EALT stewards these special places with volunteers and neighbours, who are critical to conservation work, and educates the public to protect nature for future generations.