Conservation Outreach Volunteers — Edmonton & Area Land Trust

Conservation Outreach Volunteers

Conservation Outreach Volunteers engage members of the public to contribute to EALT’s outreach efforts at home or in the community. At EALT, our Conservation Outreach Volunteer program lets you contribute to our electronic resources via our blog or social media accounts, and represent EALT at info booths and workshops. It also allows you contribute woodworking skills, both to maintain our shop stock and create materials for our workshops and bird or bat structures for our conservation lands. Keep reading for more information about each role, and click the button at the bottom of the page to apply.

Content Creator

Being a Content Creator requires a commitment of anywhere from 2-10 hours per month. This opportunity consists of creating material for our website’s blog and social media accounts. The material created may be writing, graphics, or occasional video editing to post to our Instagram Reels or Facebook Stories. The creation of graphics will be done using programs such as Canva, using images provided by EALT sources or open-source imagery.



Woodworking volunteers should commit about 2-10 hours per month. This opportunity consists of creating bee hotels, nest boxes for birds, and bat boxes for EALT’s shop. EALT sells all of these items to the public, and as we do not have collective access to woodworking equipment, our stock relies on volunteers contributing their time and skills. All materials purchased for the construction of these items will be reimbursed, and volunteers contribute their tools and time. Some of the products that woodworkers create may also be installed at EALT conservation lands.

 Information Booth Representative

Information Booth Representatives can expect a commitment of 1-4 hours per month, depending on our booking schedule. As part of our outreach activities, EALT can attend various functions that feature other environmental or conservation associations and initiatives. This involves setting up a table with informative graphics and materials to tell the public about EALT’s work and mission, along with small items for people to take, such as stickers, pins, and postcards. Events vary in size and attendance, and some may be focused on a specific theme.

Workshop Assistant

Workshop Assistant volunteers can expect a commitment of 1-4 hours per month, depending on our booking schedule. Volunteer will accompany EALT staff for workshops, which are interactive events we give for organizations and companies upon request. The product of these workshops is a bee hotel for each participant, which they assemble using kits that EALT provides. These workshops often take place in an office setting. EALT staff provide the basic instructions to all, and then each participant begins assembling a bee hotel from their kit. The job of the Workshop Assistant will be to help the participants with the building process.