Learn about black knot fungus and how it affects our forests!
Find out about the Edmonton Native Plant Society’s plant plots at Bunchberry Meadows!
While most birds wait for the warmth to nest, Great horned owls are an exception!
When it’s cold we bundle up in our hats, coats, and gloves - how do birds keep warm?
Throw it out? Compost it? Here’s some tips for how to dispose of your pumpkin!
Learn about the three hawks that you are most likely to see if you are in a field or open meadow in the Edmonton region.
There’s a case to be made for preserving the darkness! Read all about it here.
We are celebrating our 15th year by sharing 15 highlights that EALT has accomplished.
Find out about the history of how each of our lands came to be part of the organization!
We are celebrating 15 years of EALT! Look at some of the Fun Facts that we have shared over the years.
Are you wildlife-wise? Learn more about it here!
Learn the reasons why keeping Bunchberry Meadows Fido-free helps conserve this valuable conservation land.
Get to know more about this animal that often goes unseen!
Did you see a weasel this winter? A fisher? Learn the difference here!
Find out how wildlife can live beneath the snow in winter - brrr!
Phew, it’s been a hot summer! Learn how our wild friends are keeping cool.
A warm welcome to our new Conservation Land Stewards and Citizen Scientists!
Learn about how we conserve nature.
Interested in conserving your land? Read Lu’s story to learn more.
Volunteers are at the heart of all of our accomplishments and make our conservation work possible. Find out about volunteer opportunities!