EALT recognizes that Canada’s land may be now owned by public or private entities, but that it was originally stewarded by Indigenous peoples. We view those lands that EALT secures as our responsibility to steward for future generations and our many community volunteers share this view. We reflected on the thousands of years that original peoples were supported by the land and also stewarded the land, and felt we should recognize this stewardship which so resembles our own work. At the beginning of our field work volunteer events, we acknowledge Indigenous people as the original stewards of the land.
Little did we know how very much this was appreciated, until we heard one of our volunteers giving a CBC interview.
Leona Kidd, EALT Volunteer, interview with Chris Martin, CBC Radio, RadioActive. Leona shares her experience volunteering with the Edmonton and Area Land Trust including planting willows, cleaning bird houses, and seeing a Flying Squirrel! She also talks about what it means to her to have EALT staff acknowledge that our conservation work is carried out on Treaty 6 land.