Over Achievers with Glory Hills' Beavers — Edmonton & Area Land Trust

Over Achievers with Glory Hills' Beavers

Sometimes you get more than you bargained for when you are aiming to catch something specific on wildlife cameras, or so we’ve learned.

We are lucky to have a local steward, Patty Klak, who volunteers her time to monitor and collect the photos from our wildlife camera at Glory Hills. She also keeps the battery charged and ready to capture all the wildlife action on the land!

Patty noticed the resident beavers emerge from the lake a few weeks back and offered to move the wildlife camera closer, in an attempt to capture some photos of them in action.

Patty chose a nice birch tree to attach the camera to, not too far from the spot she saw a beaver sitting on the lake shore. It was the perfect spot and recorded photos of the beavers hauling out twigs for fresh food. Here is a series of action photos – a beaver hauling out a long sapling.

Beavers conceal most of their cutting activities in the dark of the night, which is why those photos are black and white. Next on the camera, we see a nice profile shot of the beaver, in an almost scheming type of pose. 

The next day, Patty took a walk through the area. She intended to point out the new location of the wildlife camera but she couldn’t find it. Puzzled, she searched the area to find a very familiar birch tree laying in the middle of a bunch of beaver stumps! The beavers cut the tree down!

Thankfully Patty came along to find the camera this way before the beavers could pull it into the lake, tree and all! Thanks Patty!