The Buzz about Protecting Pollinators

Over the last year, we've been busy as bees with our Protecting Pollinators Through Community Collaboration project. We installed dozens of bee hotels, held workshops for hundreds of adults and kids, and reached thousands of people through information booths, presentations and news articles.

Pollinators are important for life - about 1/3 of all of our food depends on pollinators. You can help by building your own bee hotel, planting native flowers in your garden, avoid using pesticides, and supporting habitat conservation with the Edmonton and Area Land Trust.

Visit our Protecting Pollinators webpage for information about pollinators, including:

  • Instructions for making 4 different sizes of bee hotels (makes a great Christmas gift!)
  • Brochure about the types of bees found in the Edmonton region
  • Free printable booklet of activities for kids

We're proud of what we accomplished, but we didn't do it alone! Thanks to volunteers, funders and many participants throughout the past year, our Protecting Pollinators project was a huge success! 

Thank you again to our supporters in this project: Commission for Environmental Cooperation, The Sitka Foundation, ATB Financial and Suncor.