Fall Learning

It was a beautiful fall day yesterday at Larch Sanctuary, and the perfect opportunity to speak to second year Environmental Studies students from The King’s University about the work that we do.

Students in this course learn about the impact of human interactions with the environment, and explore the ethics around a wide range of issues. Yesterday they learned about the role of land trusts in land conservation, and about the work that EALT does in and around Edmonton – not only about the natural areas that we conserve, but how we promote best practices in land stewardship, and partner with many groups on issues that matter.

We are pleased to be working toward a Conservation Easement on Larch Sanctuary with the City of Edmonton. It’s a special place full of wildlife, and a beautiful place for Edmontonians to connect with nature.

Thank you Harry Spaling and Joanne Moyer the opportunity to share our vision and passion with future environmental leaders.