Animal Tracks Matching Game

Learn about the types of tracks that different species of animals make! This kids nature activity is quick, easy, educational, and fun. All you need is a printer, some paper, and some scissors, and you’re ready to play!


What You’ll Need

What To Do

  1. Print out the Animal Tracks Matching Game Cards.

  2. Cut out each photo, so that you have 9 different animals and 9 different tracks.

  3. Shuffle the cards!

  4. Try to match the correct track to the animal that made it.

  5. Check your answers and correct any mistakes!

  6. Now that you know the answers, ask a friend or sibling to try and see how many they can get right!


Ask Yourself

  • Which tracks were the easiest to match to the animal? Which were the hardest?

  • Were there any matches you got wrong that surprised you?

  • What is the difference between a wild cat track and a wild dog track?